jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

When in Spain...

OK, the school hols are over, but that just means that flights are cheaper again so there´s plenty of folks heading out to the Costas for a late break.

If that includes you, here are some handy ideas to get you speaking to the locals:

¿Qué hora es? - What time is it? Take your watch off first, and it´s the perfect excuse to talk to anyone. If you already know the time, you might even understand their answer. If not, all you do is smile sweetly, nod and say gracias and walk off. Easy peasy.

Check there are no big clocks about first.

¿Hay una farmacia por aquí? - is there a chemist around here? Anyone could reasonably be looking for a chemist at just about any time, so why not ask. The chemist will usually have a big green cross ( + ) outside it, so if you see one, nip round the corner before asking!

If you smoke, put your cigarette in your mouth and pat your pockets apologetically. Ask someone ¿Tiene mechero? Do you have a lighter? or ¿Tiene fuego? Do you have a light?

In the market, pick up some fruit or clothes or whatever and ask ¿Cuánto es? then just nod your head, consider for a moment then put it down, say Gracias and walk off. Or you can buy it, if you like!

And of course ¿Dónde está... ? is always great. Find a landmark, walk till it´s just out of sight, then ask for directions back to it.

Make yourself a checklist of words and phrases to see if you can create situations to use all of them in one day. Have a competition with your friend or partner!!


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